Webhooks are HTTP callbacks that contains image data for SKUs.

This is a push notification service to notify you every time a SKU gets completed. You can subscribe to the push service on a particular URL (e.g. https://test.com/subscription) which will receive a payload. You would need to provide the subscription URL to your Spyne POC. Image data will be provided in a sequence as per the SKU.

Sample Payload v2.0

This is the updated webhook which has the same response structure as the Get Ready Images API.

  "project_id": "88db42a7",
  "sku_id": "523a07fa",
  "sku_status": "Done",
  "sku_meta_data": {},
  "image_data": [
      "image_id": "img-0f0d6707-d264-44fe-82ce-ab912b0a8ea0",
      "image_name": "3636_523a07fa_Exterior_1",
      "image_category": "Exterior",
      "frame_no": "1",
      "input_image": "https://spyne.s3.amazonaws.com/AI/raw/3636_523a07fa_Exterior_1.jpg",
      "output_image": "https://spyne.s3.amazonaws.com/AI/app/edited/car_replace_bg__9d76fe27-29a1-4778-a456-f8637047885e.png",
      "lowres_output": "https://spyne.s3.amazonaws.com/AI/raw/4c11fcd7-b67a-474c-a761-050049e8a000.jpg",
      "background_id": 3434,
      "status": "done",
      "image_meta_data": {}
  "signature": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwcm9qZWN0X2lkIjoiODhkYjQyYTciLCJza3VfaWQiOiI1MjNhMDdmYSIsImlhdCI6MTY1NDU5OTYwMywiZXhwIjoxNjg1MzU4MDAzfQ.5P1SK7Thx6KhFkA9EsrD_tNCGCwWZE5CobOVvPALPjQ"

Sample Payload v1.0 (deprecated)

This payload response is no longer in use, kindly switch to v2.0 above.

image_idUID to identify the image
image_nameName of image
image_categoryIn the case of category_id being “Automobile” this parameter can be exterior, interior or misc as per the kind of image input, misc images will not be processed
sequenceNumberInteger identifying the sequence position of the image, indexed starting at 1
input_image_hres_urlHigh-resolution (1920x1080) URL of the input image
input_image_lres_urlLow-resolution (640x480) URL of the input image
output_image_hres_urlHigh-resolution (1920x1080) URL of the output image
output_image_lres_urlLow-resolution (640x480) URL of the input image
output_image_lres_wm_urlLow-resolution (640x480) watermarked URL of the input image
sourceSource of the input image could be App, API
created_onDate and time stamp of when the image output was created