Webhooks are HTTP callbacks that contains image data for SKUs.
This is a push notification service to notify you every time a SKU gets completed. You can subscribe to the push service on a particular URL (e.g. https://test.com/subscription) which will receive a payload. You would need to provide the subscription URL to your Spyne POC. Image data will be provided in a sequence as per the SKU.
Sample Payload v2.0
This is the updated webhook which has the same response structure as the Get Ready Images API.
"project_id": "88db42a7",
"sku_id": "523a07fa",
"sku_status": "Done",
"sku_meta_data": {},
"image_data": [
"image_id": "img-0f0d6707-d264-44fe-82ce-ab912b0a8ea0",
"image_name": "3636_523a07fa_Exterior_1",
"image_category": "Exterior",
"frame_no": "1",
"input_image": "https://spyne.s3.amazonaws.com/AI/raw/3636_523a07fa_Exterior_1.jpg",
"output_image": "https://spyne.s3.amazonaws.com/AI/app/edited/car_replace_bg__9d76fe27-29a1-4778-a456-f8637047885e.png",
"lowres_output": "https://spyne.s3.amazonaws.com/AI/raw/4c11fcd7-b67a-474c-a761-050049e8a000.jpg",
"background_id": 3434,
"status": "done",
"image_meta_data": {}
"signature": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwcm9qZWN0X2lkIjoiODhkYjQyYTciLCJza3VfaWQiOiI1MjNhMDdmYSIsImlhdCI6MTY1NDU5OTYwMywiZXhwIjoxNjg1MzU4MDAzfQ.5P1SK7Thx6KhFkA9EsrD_tNCGCwWZE5CobOVvPALPjQ"
Sample Payload v1.0 (deprecated)
This payload response is no longer in use, kindly switch to v2.0 above.
image_id | UID to identify the image |
image_name | Name of image |
image_category | In the case of category_id being “Automobile” this parameter can be exterior, interior or misc as per the kind of image input, misc images will not be processed |
sequenceNumber | Integer identifying the sequence position of the image, indexed starting at 1 |
input_image_hres_url | High-resolution (1920x1080) URL of the input image |
input_image_lres_url | Low-resolution (640x480) URL of the input image |
output_image_hres_url | High-resolution (1920x1080) URL of the output image |
output_image_lres_url | Low-resolution (640x480) URL of the input image |
output_image_lres_wm_url | Low-resolution (640x480) watermarked URL of the input image |
source | Source of the input image could be App, API |
created_on | Date and time stamp of when the image output was created |