Native iOS SDK Integration | Quick Start Guide


The Spyne Automobile iOS SDK allows clients to integrate Catalog Shoot and Video Shoot features into their own applications. The SDK supports the shooting experience for:

  • Catalog Shoot: Capturing Exterior Images, Capturing 360 Images with Ricoh Theta, Interior Images, and Miscellaneous Images.
  • Video Shoot: Capturing Exterior Video, Capturing 360 Images with Ricoh Theta, Interior Images, and Miscellaneous Images.

Note: Currently, exterior Spin-360 can only be generated via video.


Before integrating the SDK, ensure the following:

Development Environment:

  • Xcode Version: 16.1
    • Please Note that this should be the exact version of your Xcode IDE. 
  • An active Spyne API key as provided to you by Spyne Team. 
  • Minimum Deployment iOS Version: 14.0

Spyne Requirements:

  • API Key - Will be provided by your dedicated account manager from Spyne once your account is ready to be integrated with our SDK.
  • AWS Amplify configuration files (awsconfiguration.json and amplifyconfiguration.json) - Provided by Spyne
    • Add these files to your project's root directory

Download Spyne Automobile SDK

Download the latest Spyne Automobile SDK: Link

Integration Steps

Step 1: Import the Framework

  • Add the framework file to the Frameworks group in Xcode.

Step 2. Embed and Sign In

  • Embed and Sign-In into the project target general settings.

Step 3. Permissions and Pods to install in the project

  • Permissions & Pods to Install in the project for Major Camera, Photos Library, Location dependency

pod 'Moya'
pod 'SwiftyGif'
pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'
pod 'KRProgressHUD'
pod 'SDWebImage'
pod 'SwiftMessages'
pod 'NVActivityIndicatorView'
pod 'PostHog', '~> 1.1'
pod 'RealmSwift'
pod 'FYVideoCompressor'
pod 'lottie-ios'
pod 'OpalImagePicker'
pod 'Toast-Swift'
pod 'TagListView'
pod 'ViewAnimator'
pod 'THETAClient'
pod 'Amplitude'
pod 'AWSS3', '~> 2.36.7'
pod 'AmplifyPlugins/AWSCognitoAuthPlugin', '~> 1.31.0'

Params and Their Use Cases

apiKeyThe enterprise’s API key
uniqueUserIdUnique identifier for the user
uniqueShootIdVIN number or another unique identifier
frameNumberNumber of images to capture in Catalog Shoot
spyneSkuIdSKU ID for adding/replacing images or reshoot
addReplaceImagesBoolean flag for adding/replacing images
isReshootBoolean flag for QC reshoot
spyneAutomobileDelegateDelegate to handle SDK callbacks
isFromDraftBoolean Flag for Resuming Incomplete Video Shoot

This document provides a structured approach to integrating the Spyne iOS SDK for capturing images and videos. Ensure all dependencies and permissions are configured correctly before proceeding with integration.

What’s Next

Let's Initiate your Images/Video Shoot