iOS SDK Quick Start Guide


This section shows how to integrate Spyne SDK in your iOS app. As a next step, first, we'll learn how to install the Spyne SDK. Once done, we'll go through clicking your first shoot and at last, we'll learn how to refer the SKU on Spyne dashboard.

About SpyneSDK Function

SpyneSDK function is an object where all the configuration settings are set up for Spyne iOS SDK. SpyneSDK function expects basic parameters and allows you to use advanced functionalities as well.

Create a SpyneSDK function

SpyneSDK function expects 5 values,

  1. api_key is a unique enterprise key at Spyne end that fetch the configurations
  2. categoryId defines the category for which SDK has to be initialised
  3. userId helps in creating/mapping a user in Spyne database. It is suggested to pass an emailId of the user in this parameter.
  4. skuId is used in SKU naming in Spyne database. It is suggested to pass a car registration number in skuId
  5. frameNumber denotes the count of exterior angles to be shot by the user.
presentingByViewController: UIViewController,
api_Key: "myapikey",
categoryId: "autocategoryId",
userId: "myuserId",
skuID: "carRegistrationNumber",
frameNumber: 8