iOS SDK Integration Document

iOS SDK Integration Guide

This document provides a comprehensive guide to integrate the Spyne iOS SDK into your project. The SDK supports different methods for Catalog Shoot and Spin-360 Shoot.

Catalog Shoot vs Spin-360 Shoot

  • Catalog Shoot: Includes shooting experiences for Exterior Images, Interior Images, and Miscellaneous Images.
  • Spin-360 Shoot: Includes shooting experiences for Exterior Video, Ricoh Theta Integration, Interior Images, and Miscellaneous Images.

Note: Currently, Exterior Spin-360 can only be generated via video.

Steps to Integrate the Framework

Step 1: Import the Framework File into the Frameworks Group

Import the framework file into the Frameworks group of your Xcode project.

Step 2: Add Embed and Sign-In Settings

Ensure to add the Embed and Sign-In settings into your project target’s general settings.

Step 3: Install Required Dependencies Using CocoaPods

Install the following pods to your project:

pod 'Moya'
pod 'SwiftyGif'
pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'
pod "KRProgressHUD"
pod 'SDWebImage'
pod 'SwiftMessages'
pod 'NVActivityIndicatorView'
pod "PostHog", "~> 1.1"
pod 'RealmSwift'
pod 'FYVideoCompressor'
pod 'lottie-ios'
pod 'OpalImagePicker'
pod 'Toast-Swift'
pod 'TagListView'
pod "ViewAnimator"
pod 'THETAClient'
pod 'Amplitude'
pod 'AWSS3', '~> 2.36.7'
pod 'AmplifyPlugins/AWSCognitoAuthPlugin', '~> 1.31.0'


Steps to Start Image/Video Shoot

Step 1: Initialize the SDK in AppDelegate

  • The awsconfiguration and amplifyconfiguration files will be shared with you via email or call.
  • Add these files to your project’s root directory.

Step 2: Import the Required SDKs

Import the necessary SDKs in your view controller class:

import SpyneAutomobile

Step 3: Implement the SpyneAutomobileDelegate Protocol

You will receive various callbacks when images or videos are clicked/recorded during the shoot.

  • Callback when the first image/video is clicked or recorded (for 360 Spin Shoot).
  • Callback when the user exits the image/360 Spin shoot.
  • Callback when the shoot is completed. You can distinguish between Catalog Shoot and 360 Spin Shoot via the type parameter:
    • imageShoot: For catalog shoot.
    • video360: For 360 spin shoot.

Step 3.1: Start Image Shoot

To start an image shoot, call the startImageShoot method:

func startImageShoot(apiKey: String, backgroundID: String, backgroundImageUrl: String, backgroundType: String)
  • The api_key, backgroundID, backgroundImageUrl, and backgroundType will be shared with you over the call.
  • When the image shoot flow starts, on completion, you will receive a callback containing Spyne’s skuId, which you can use to access processed images via our Get API or set up a Webhook for you.
func onShootCompleted(skuId: String, type: SpyneAutomobile.ShootType, completeProject: String?)

Step 3.2: Resume Pending Image Upload

If the app was closed or the user exited the shoot mid-way, you can resume pending image uploads by invoking this method on app start.

Step 3.3: Start Video Shoot

To start the 360 spin shoot, use the startVideoShoot method:

func startVideoShoot(apiKey: String, backgroundID: String, backgroundImageUrl: String, backgroundType: String)
  • Similar to image shoot, the api_key, backgroundID, backgroundImageUrl, and backgroundType will be shared with you over call.
  • Upon completion, you will receive a callback containing the Spyne skuId, which you can use to access processed images.
func onShootCompleted(skuId: String, type: SpyneAutomobile.ShootType, completeProject: String?)

Step 3.4: Resume Pending Video Upload

If the app was closed or interrupted during video shoot, invoke this function on app start to resume pending video uploads.

What’s Next

Please look for SDK React to Swift Bridge documentation in case your app is built on React Native